We would be having two small parties for Sumahi, one for some of our close friends, and one for families. We'll prepare for a big party (aka the Campaign Party)for Sumahi during the Summer when everyone is back.
Since Sumahi is turning one years old, we'll be making some little changes, such as switching from breastmilk to formula. I'm planning to feed her formula for maybe two months then we will switch to milk and soymilk (will be alternating between the two). I'm also planning to give Sumahi her first haircut, her bangs are getting too long so I'll trim that a little. We'll also be getting Sumahi her passport when Daddy comes back, for we are planning to go on a vacation to Bali maybe in May or early June.
Since Daddy is back to celebrate Sumahi's birthday, we had a lot of activities installed. Such as going to Underwater World with Sumahi, seeing the Magic on Ice show at the SandCastle. But most of the plans involve eating ... eating at Cappriciosa, SamChoy's, Tepanyaki, indulging in shortribs, milkshakes, cinnamon rolls, gelato, sweet-n-sour chicken... *I could see the food flowing around in mid air right now... this is making me hungry* But we would be doing important things as well, such as looking for job opportunities for Daddy, planning for the Campaign party, discussing the Sumahi Storybook, preparing for Sumahi's Campaign video...and the list goes on.
I was thinking that maybe we should take Sumahi to a studio and do a photoshoot or maybe a family photo... maybe we could do that every year on her birthday, so that we could see how much she grew, how much older, fatter, balder, numbers of grey hair we've got as years goes by. I thought that would be a cute keepsake for Sumahi. But Daddy doesn't seems to like the idea, he was more like... "what's the photoshoot for while we have our own cameras" kind of attitude. So... that is still undecided.
But I'm still really excited for Sumahi turning one, for Daddy's visit, for eventually when Daddy finally comes home.
Here're some pictures taken of Sumahi during Easter:
18 more days 'til Daddy comes back!